
Where to Find Your Ideal Prospects

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Where to Find Your Ideal Prospects

Many business owners feel as if they see ideal clients everywhere; on the street, at the mall and in every office building. While it is probable that someone interested in purchasing your product or service can be found almost anywhere, are they truly your ideal prospects? Before you continue reading, it’s imperative that you know how to properly profile your ideal clients. Learn how by reading my blog entitled Profiling Your Ideal Clients – Is It Your First Step toward Growth?

“Stop selling. Start helping.”Zig Ziglar

We all totally agree with Zig Ziglar, no questions about it. If you want to help, you need to know where to find your ideal prospects so you can help them win their business.

In this blog, I will discuss how to find your ideal clients in the digital world. My goal is to help entrepreneurs expand their marketing campaign and successfully attract more clients. Please note, your ideal clients can be found in diverse and unexpected places. For example, the CEO of a golf club might be found in communities about his interests versus golf, such as wines, cars or travel. You must learn where to find your ideal prospects, and you can accomplish this through research.

Researching Habits and Trends

Discovering the digital channels your ideal prospects frequent requires researching their habits. Your task is to research the following in detail:

·         The websites and social communities they frequent and why.

·         What they get from the digital places they visit.

·         How often they revisit these places.

·         How these websites connect with them.

As you research the habits of your ideal clients, you’ll likely add important details to this list. You can employ several hundred methods of identifying where your ideal audience hangs out. There is no right or wrong way to research.

Once you’ve profiled your ideal prospects, I suggest you try the following:

Discover YouTube attraction: Go to YouTube and determine what kind of video will attract your ideal client. Check out at least the top 15 videos and find answers to these questions:

·         What kind of videos do your ideal clientele watch?

·         What type of videos go viral and attract the most views, and why?

·         How many people liked or provided feedback on the top videos, and why?

Tap into social media groups: It’s likely you already know about Facebook, LinkedIn and MeetUp Groups. If not, Google them. Social media channels are easy to use, but you need to pinpoint where your ideal prospects hangout. I suggest you:

1.      See how many groups or communities relate to your product or service.

2.      See how many members are in these groups.

3.      Based on your profiling, determine how many different media channels contain relevant groups to your business. Then, repeat steps 1 and 2.

Google is your best friend: Google is the most popular search engine. Most people use it to conduct research, find products and choose service providers. It’s your job to discover:

·         Which search terms your ideal prospects use when searching for your product or service AND products and services similar to yours.

·         Discover what search results display when they ask Google a question about a product, service or problem.

Use educational articles: The web is highly populated by articles and blogs. Your ideal prospects will utilize these when researching for a product, service or solution. It’s your job to:

·         See what kind of articles display on Google when your prospects enter their search terms.

·         Learn who is sponsoring or writing these articles.

·         Follow the author(s) of these articles and determine two things: why they are writing the articles and what their goal is.

Tracking budding websites: Every day, thousands of new websites are launched with the sole intention of attracting traffic and converting sales. You must determine which websites attract your ideal clients. Then, see if you can associate yourself with these budding websites. The goal is to steadily stay in front of your audience as they discover new, trending websites.

Conducting research via the methods we’ve just discussed is a start to finding your ideal clients online. Once you start this research, you’ll need to continue it. You’ll need to track changes and trends every month and determine where your ideal prospects go.

Once you pinpoint the locations of your ideal clients, how do you attract them to your website and social media channels? In my next blog I’ll discuss this topic. Keep reading!

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